My apologies for this – I’m having issues with the formatting on the Kindle version of The Infidel’s Garden ( no bold or italics!) which Amazon is looking into. Until then, my advice is to stick with the Smashwords version. I’ll set the book up on Goodreads and post the trailer once these issues have been addressed.


I’ve just finished publishing  The Infidel’s Garden  to   Smashwords and Kindle Direct. Once I know everything is up and running, I’ll follow this post up with a link to the trailer. At present, if you download through the Smashwords link, it’s FREE until March 31st. Enjoy!


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Ps If you really love it, please feel free to post a review. I have an account with Goodreads which will be updated once the book is fully available across all the eBook platforms.


Welcome to my website and thank you for taking time to visit.  My name is Ingrid Banwell and here, you’ll find pages and links to the things I like to paint and write about – nature, science, magic, alien life, technology, religion and other topics that intrigue, exasperate, and invoke heated arguments at dinner parties.

You’ll also notice some things aren’t quite complete. I’m currently blundering my way around WordPress, so come back in a week or so when I hope to have everything worked out.

Also keep an eye out here for news of the release of my first novel, The Infidel’s Garden, which will soon be available as an eBook. As soon as it’s ready, I’ll be advertising it and providing links to both the book and its trailer on this page. For a fuller synopsis, visit my books page.